Benefits of Blue Water Intentions in Your Life
· Stress Release – top to bottom
· Free Movement Opens Possibilities
· Child-like Potentialities Restored
People come to us for a variety of reasons -- literally top to bottom. By using our unique talents in the water and on land, we help you recreate the freedom your body had when you were an infant with unlimited potential. From the cranium to the crapper (so to speak) we help function be restored so life can go with the flow.
Seriously, where matters of the mind are unclear, stifled, foggy or downright stubborn, Blue Water Intentions helps you release old holding patterns that lock you into unhealthy, unwanted reactions. You find more freedom in life. This floating-free sensory restoration creates more room in the brain for the brain and more room in the spine for the spine.
Ever lived in a cramped space? How great did it feel to move into a larger space you could organize and clean better? Our internal existence is the same. When there is more room to shift around it feels better.
Speaking of feeling better, the bowels are a good indicator of how knotted up you are or how scared sh*tless you might be. There is a reason those sayings exist in our culture. And they are a good reason to seek our services. Whatever pattern created the kink can be unkinked. And whatever pattern excretes too quickly or too often can be regulated.
When nothing is regular in life and there is so much stress you think you can’t handle it, Blue Water Intentions is available to help you relax and release that stress. Self care can mean lots of things like eating, sleeping, and exercise. It can also mean caring for your emotional, spiritual, and mental needs. Blue Water Intentions enhances the regimen you might already have and can propel any other therapy modalities because it takes healing to another level – one that is often misunderstood in the world today.
You walk away, literally, with new cells generated in your body ready to live in the new thoughts, dreams, and desires you have the unlimited potential for – just like when you were born.
You were created for something unique on this planet. Blue Water Intentions just has the privilege to help people discover, uncovered, or recover that giftedness for their guests’ own good and for the good of the people around them.
The best benefit is that body parts find free movement which opens possibilities. And open possibilities free body movement.
It’s a beautiful thing.
· Free Movement Opens Possibilities
· Child-like Potentialities Restored
People come to us for a variety of reasons -- literally top to bottom. By using our unique talents in the water and on land, we help you recreate the freedom your body had when you were an infant with unlimited potential. From the cranium to the crapper (so to speak) we help function be restored so life can go with the flow.
Seriously, where matters of the mind are unclear, stifled, foggy or downright stubborn, Blue Water Intentions helps you release old holding patterns that lock you into unhealthy, unwanted reactions. You find more freedom in life. This floating-free sensory restoration creates more room in the brain for the brain and more room in the spine for the spine.
Ever lived in a cramped space? How great did it feel to move into a larger space you could organize and clean better? Our internal existence is the same. When there is more room to shift around it feels better.
Speaking of feeling better, the bowels are a good indicator of how knotted up you are or how scared sh*tless you might be. There is a reason those sayings exist in our culture. And they are a good reason to seek our services. Whatever pattern created the kink can be unkinked. And whatever pattern excretes too quickly or too often can be regulated.
When nothing is regular in life and there is so much stress you think you can’t handle it, Blue Water Intentions is available to help you relax and release that stress. Self care can mean lots of things like eating, sleeping, and exercise. It can also mean caring for your emotional, spiritual, and mental needs. Blue Water Intentions enhances the regimen you might already have and can propel any other therapy modalities because it takes healing to another level – one that is often misunderstood in the world today.
You walk away, literally, with new cells generated in your body ready to live in the new thoughts, dreams, and desires you have the unlimited potential for – just like when you were born.
You were created for something unique on this planet. Blue Water Intentions just has the privilege to help people discover, uncovered, or recover that giftedness for their guests’ own good and for the good of the people around them.
The best benefit is that body parts find free movement which opens possibilities. And open possibilities free body movement.
It’s a beautiful thing.